Saturday, August 31, 2019

Launching Strategy Essay

Purpose: Alpen Bank is facing potential growth opportunities in terms of launching a credit card to the Romanian market. The overall goal is to increase annual profit by â‚ ¬5 million within two years of launch. Selection of the right target audience, while applying the appropriate launching strategy is the direction of our focus. Our goal is to extend the Alpen Bank premium service to customers via a new product market. Predictions of economic growth in Romania, proves that the market is growing increasingly ripe for credit cards. Therefore, the issue is not whether or not Alpine Bank should launch a credit card in Romania. The concern of Alpine Bank should be when to launch said services in Romania. Current models, statistics, and research are conclusive; the time to invest in Romania is now. Position Statement: The recommendation standing and supported by enclosed financial statements are as follows: Launching a credit card in the Romanian market would meet the stated purpose by targeting the affluent and most affluent audience (Exhibit 1). The marketing approach will consist of direct sales in conjunction with branch cross selling (Exhibit 2). Also the use of magazine and television advertising strategies will enhance our position. This approach will add support for the recommendation of taking advantage of a primarily non-penetrated market. Reason: The opportunity to invest in the Romanian credit card market yields potential revenue growth, along with increasing the life time value of each customer, new and existing. With Romania entering the European Union, Alpen Bank has been prompted to re-visit its previous credit card approach in the emerging economy. Additionally, there has been an increase in luxury products and purchases, displaying increased consumer purchasing power, a potential indicator of an increased interest in credit card. Furthermore, Romania is in a transition period, with cards gaining favorability over cash payments. Alpen Bank hopes to build upon prior methods explored in Romania by competing banks in penetrating the credit card market. Decision Options (Exhibit 6): 1.Launch a credit card in Romania. 2.Do not launch a credit card in Romania. Decision Option 1 a.Add a new market: Alpen Bank can continue its successful venture in Romania by adding a credit card to its portfolio. This will foster a continuing growth in an increasingly affluent Romanian upper class. As purchasing power is determined by income level and accumulated wealth, the affluent class is more able than the middle class to make purchases on credit. b.Increase revenue: Current models and predictions indicate a strong opportunity to significantly increase the yearly revenue by investing in the credit card market. Calculations display how the venture will increase the life time value of each customer, ensuring future growth. (Exhibit 1) Decision Option 2 a.Focus on existing markets: Venturing into the credit card market could draw resources away from core Alpen Banking services already in effect for the Romanian market. b.Assure no potential risk: All investments come with inherent risks. By investing substantially into an exploratory market, Alpen Bank is running the risk of not meeting the expected outcome. The potential monetary risk could run into the millions of dollars, along with an incalculable risk to reputation. How to measure Decision Option 1 a.Establish a customer base with the affluent and most affluent: By building upon the currently excising clientele, along with attracting untapped segments of the prosperous Romanian upper class. By comparing the actual number of clients utilizing the Alpen Bank credit card with the models and predictions made pre-credit card launch. (Exhibit 4) b.Increasing revenue from the credit card launch: Expected revenue from the credit card enterprise is projected to be â‚ ¬6,698,391 within two years (Exhibit 2). By updating current calculation models with on-going information as the enterprise proceeds allows for ongoing monitoring of predicted return on investment. The lifetime value of customers will also be assessed on a yearly basis, predicting the value of loyal, long term users of credit cards. How to measure Decision Option 2 a.Projecting further growth without credit card. Venturing into the Romanian credit card market taps resources away from current banking business. Investments could also be put to use in other areas, such as higher frequency of branches opening or improving services currently offered. b.Customer awareness of the bank’s premium brand: By investing in already offered business services. Alpine Bank is committed to improving our superior line of service currently offered to the Romanian clientele. Critique of Decision Options 1 Per limitations of senior management, the investment into the Romanian credit card market must prove itself profitable within two years, yielding at least five million euro. Investing in developing a profitable line of credit cards comes with several risk factors. Predictions of profit could be erroneous, leading to a less than expected return on investments. This in turn could lead to revocable and irrevocable damage to reputation, potentially resulting in a net loss of customer over short and long term. Projections of the positive effects of Romania’s’ recent acceptance into the European Union could also be incorrect. By investing time and energy into a new business venture, current banking services could suffer from subconscious neglect by employees involved in both enterprises. Critique of Decision Option 2 A decision not to invest in the Romanian credit card market will be a hinder of growth. Currently, competing banks are investing and have invested in the growing credit card market. By delaying a venture, Alpen Bank is permitting competitors to gain establishment and credit market branding. Alpen Bank currently holds the potential necessary for a successful venture into the credit card market. By failing to employ said resources, Alpine Bank is neglecting talent and opportunity, which could lead to failure in expected profitability. Being accepted into European Union brings increasing prospect of higher return on investments in the credit card market. By choosing to stay out of the market, Alpine Bank is also forcing excising customers to other banks for credit card services. As experienced in other emerging markets in developing countries, credit card customers are less likely to switch from one credit card to another. Therefore, failing to introduce a line of credit cards now will make it increasingly difficult to attract customers when Alpen Bank eventually starts its credit card venture. Action plan: Goals: †¢Launch a credit card †¢Reach the affluent and most affluent †¢Launch marketing and adverting that appeals to our audience Action Steps: Short term †¢Marketing Plan: Release a Premium Marketing Plan that is focused, achievable, compelling, and simple. As evident by exhibit 1, the chosen target group is the affluent and most affluent segments of the Romanian population. By ensuring a proper understanding of the dynamic characterizing the targeted demographic, we are able to construct the appropriate marketing plan. This will instill the programs, tactics, incentives, and budgets necessary for a strong image and a consistent message reaching the targeted customers. †¢Marketing: Investing in direct sales and branch cross-selling holds the highest effective rate of potential customers reached. These two methods also have the lowest cost per customer. Combined they ensure the most effective tactic in recruiting customers to Alpen Bank’s credit card. (Exhibit 2) †¢Advertising: Magazine and television advertisements. Our advertising goal is to capture the attention of perspective applicants as well as converting prospects involved with other credit card venues. Establishing a clear message for the audience is essential in launching advertising Alpen Bank’s advertising campaign. â€Å"A premium clientele deserves a premium banking experience.† The launch of the campaign considers the sophisticated, vernacular culture of our Romanian clientele. The goal is to assure the same quality experience in our established bank while adding an innovative credit card product to allocate more options for our clientele. -Magazine advertisements could feature admired Romanian model Diana Dondoe, to highlight Alpen Bank’s image of being an upscale and exclusive provider of banking services. -Television advertisements could consist of 30 second runs of a Romanian couple being picked up by their driver and dropped off at the premier launch of the credit card. These are some alternatives in order to illustrate how the product could be marketed. †¢Launch of promotional events by the Alpen Bank’s public relations department. Evening events could be held at elegant local venues for charitable fundraising purposes. Long term †¢Continuing growth in the Romanian market, with special focus on the credit card market. †¢Attracting customers to Alpen Bank by focusing on its premium image and superior services. †¢Expansion in the credit card market, to have established a customer base of 200,000 customers five years following initial launch. †¢As the Romanian economy is growing, the percentage of population with a disposable income is increasing. Alpen Bank will focus on attracting new members of the affluent segment of the population. †¢Increase the lifetime value of each customer, by further expansion of the financial services offered. †¢Increase credit card utilization by informing clientele of benefits associated with credit card purchases, along with temporary potential incentives offered in order to change consumer habits. Risk and Countermeasures †¢The chosen target demographic of affluent and most affluent Romanians could prove itself too limited for effective penetration. However, as the Romanian economy is growing, the targeted demographic is also expected to expand in size. Therefore, even if the current market niche is too limited, it is expected to grow substantially over the next two to three years. †¢The expected profit of five million could not be achieved within the timeframe of two years. As limitations set by senior management calls for a substantial profit to be made within a relatively short amount of time, there is a risk of the time restraints not being met. Yet these restrictions add a clear vision, enabling a structured approach in order to meet the expected outcome within the set timeframe. Final recommendation and conclusion By venturing into the Romanian credit card market, Alpen Bank is capitalizing on a ripe product opportunity. Current predictions and models consistently indicate that by pursuing the recommended strategy, Alpen Bank will see profits grow by a minimum of â‚ ¬6.6 million over two years. Romania’s recent acceptance into the European Union, accompanied with an increase in purchasing power among the affluent fragment of the population will ensure a substantial return on investment. (Exhibit 4, 5)

Friday, August 30, 2019

Attachment Theory and Child Essay

An attachment is a two-way emotional bond in which people depend on each other for their sense of security. Although we forma attachments through out our lives, psychologists are particualry interested in the attachments formed between a child and his/her primary caregiver.1 This essay will examine the role of attachment in childhood and it’s subsequent formation of relationships. Most babies of mammals exhibit the same patterns as human infants; they seek proximity to the mother and react with anxeity on seperation from her, which is the essense pf attachment behaviour. John bowlby believed that attachment was an innate pattern and it helped infants to survive. Bowlby had observed how baby monkeys reacted with distress on sepearation from their mother for a brief period. The mother and baby both called for each other. This shows that attachment is essential for survival however, it can be argued that research relating to animals cannot be generalised to humans. Bowlby’s theory of attachment is that children have a biological need to attach to their main caregiver as attachment helps serve the purpose of survival. The emotional relationship provides the infant with a set of expectations about relationships which stays with the child throughout life; this is known as the internal working model, and is a pattern for relationships the child may have in the future. If the child experiences love and affection, he/she will come to see him/herself as worthy of love and attention. This is the child’s working model as Bowlby sees it. The working model will determine the child’s relationship with other people and the way the child sees him/herself in the future. On the other hand, if the child experiences neglect or rejectionthey may develop a working model that is based on denial rather than on reality. Such a working model may contribute negatively to the the mental health of the child and the quality of their relationships with others in the future. Mary Ainsworth was a US psychologist who operationalised Bowlby’s concept so that it could be tested empirically. She devised an experimental procedure called the stange situation, which resulted in the classificatin of attachment patterns. In the strange situation an observer shows the caregiver and child into a room and then leaves. The caregiver watches the child play and a stranger soon enters the room. The stranger sits silently at first then talks with the caregiver and then tries to interact with the child. The caregiver leaves the room. This is he first seperation between the caregiver and the child. While the caregiver is absent the stranger continues trying to interact with the child. The caregiver returns and is reunited withnthe child. The stranger then leaves the room and the caregiver follows leaving the child alone. This is the second seperation. The stranger enters the room and once again tries to interact with the child. The caregiver returns for a second reunion and the stranger leaves. The findings resulted in the classification of three attachment types discussed below. Attachment type A, avoidant, is when the child shows apparent indifference when the caregiver leaves the room, and avoids contact when the caregiver returns. The child is apparently not afraid of strangers. Mothers of type A children tend to be insensitive and do not seem interested in their child’s play. Attachment type B, securely attached, is when the child is upset when the caregiver leaves and is happy to see the caregiver return. The child is easily comforted by the caregiver. The mothers of type B children are very intersted in their child’s play and actively support and communicate with the child during play. Attachment type C, ambivalent is when the child is very upset when the caregiver leaves the room, however, the caregiver finds it difficult to sooth the child when they return. The child seeks comfort but at the same time rejects it. mothers of type C children are inconsistent in their reactions to their children. Ainsworth concluded that the primary caregiver’s behaviour determines the attachment type of the child. A sensitive primary caregiver leads to a securely attached child. Insecure attachment will lead to problems in later life. Jerome Kagan (1982) suggested that innate differences in children’s temperaments influence how the environment interacts with them. Another impact on attachment is the family circumstances that a child is part of. A childs socio-economic environment has a major impact on the attachment type the child has. If a family is hit by povery the child may not recieve the necessary support and this could lead to a change in the attachment type. A risk factor in the development of mental health seems to be a lack of formation of attachment to important people during childhood. According to Goldberg (2000), the method is a unique combination of experimental and clinical methods. He he finds it a well standardised procedure which allows for natural interactions. Lamb (1985) claims that this widely used methodology is highly artificial and extrememly limited in terms of the amount of information gathered, and that it fails to take into account the mother’s behaviour. Marrone (1998) finds that although the strange situation has been criticized for being stressful-and therefore unethical- it is modelled on normal everyday circumstances when the caregiver must leave the infant for brief periods of timein different circumstances. However, it can be argued that exposing children to stress in experimental situations can be very different to everyday life. Van ijzendoorn and Kroonenberg (1988) carried out a major review of 32 world wide studies, involving eight countries and over 2000 infants. They found that there are differences within cultures in the distribution of types A,B and C. For example, Japanese studies showed complete absence of type A, but a high proportion of type C. There sems to be a pattern of cross-cultural differences, so that type B is the most common cross-culturally. Type A is reletively more common in Western European countries, and type C is reletively more common in Japan. He differences has been associated with differences in child-rearing. The results of these studies indicated that if we want valid interpretations of the strange situaton in a cross-cultural setting, we need to have good knowlege about child rearing. The cross-cultural validity of the strange situation methods of assesing attachment and the meaning of the classification classifications themselves has been questioned. The meaning of the strange situation has been challenged, in that it focuses on o the measurement of the attachment in terms of the infants reaction to the seperation and the subsequent reunion with the caregiver. It does not take into account that the meaning of seperation may differ across cultures. Japanese children are rarely seperated from their primary caregivers and so the seperation may be a very unusual situation for the child. this may mean something completely different to Japanese mothers and children than to American infants and mothers. Bowlby’s internal working model assumes that although the model can be modified, it remains relative;y stable throughout the lifespan. Hazen and Shaver (1987) were one of the first researchers to explore Bowlby’s attachment theory in relation to adult romantic relationships. They found the attachment theory a valuable perspective on adult love because it could explain both positive and negative emotions. Hazen and Shaver translated Ainsworth’s three attachment styles to make them suitable for adult relationships. Then they devised a â€Å"love quiz† in a local newspaper and ask respondents to indicate which of the three patterns best described their feelings toward romantic relationships. A self selected sample of 620 people, aged 14-82 years, responded to the love quiz. The mean age was 36 years. There were 205 males and 415vfemales. A second study used a sample of 108 college students. The researchers found that 60% of the respondants showed a secure attachment style and 20% showed the anxious ambivalent pattern, and 20% showed the anxious avoident pattern. The research also asked the respondents to describe their parent’s parenting style. People who were seecurely attached had said their parents were responsive and attentive, people who were anxious-ambivalant had rejecting and inattentive parent. Hazen and Shaver theorised that romantic love shares important similarities with early attachment relationships. They also found that differences in adult attachment wre related to how people felt about themselves. Although the researchers found some correlation between parenting style and attachment paterns, they went against drawing too many conclusions as this would be deterministic. In fact, it seems that as people get older, they are more likely to to be able to develop their own outlook and approach to life. The study was ased on a self selected sample and can therefore not be representative. Self report data is not always reliable, and since the study was carried out in the western world it cannot be generalised to everybody across different cultures. It can be seen through the strange situation that majority of infants are likely to develop an attachment type B, although, it is largely dependant on factors such as temperment, socio-economic factors, and parent styles. In addition, it can also be seen that the attachment style developed as a child can have a large impact on the attachment style involved in the formation of subsequent parent relationships.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

A Perspective of the Modern World

A Position of the Modern World The construct of where the modern universe began was ne'er much of a idea of mine prior to taking this class. Believe it or non, I ne'er even gave much idea to what the word â€Å"modern† even meant. However, I do remember what my first inherent aptitude was when the inquiry was posed on the really first twenty-four hours of category. â€Å"What comes to mind when you hear the phrase, the modern universe? † My encephalon rapidly leapt to that of a functioning economic system. An economic system that leads to the formation of more sophisticated Torahs in which society starts to develop and map about. That made sense to me at the clip, but now when I read that back in print I wonder what the heck I was even believing about. My ideas were centered on the constitution of the U.S. settlements and get downing a new society. I was non even needfully believing about post-revolution U.S. , but instead the beginnings of a new state that was puting the tone for the universe that we know today. It made sense to me that the â€Å"modern world† would necessitate holding the concept of the universe that presently exists, even if it was merely in its babyhood phases. Diging in to that thought though led me to the realisation that the U.S. was far from the first economic system in the universe. In fact, economic system day of the months back good in to the early antediluvian times. I slightly seem to remember larning about early economic system when being taught about Mesopotamia in my secondary instruction old ages. So possibly holding all that exists in the current universe is non necessary for the â€Å"modern† , but instead merely holding that avenue for its growing. If a working economic system was non the driving force of the modern universe, what was? Through the hebdomads of the category we had the chance to discourse at least eight different countries that saw important alteration from about the mid 15th century until the late 20th century. And while there will ever be many lending factors to the development of civilization and society over clip, our modern universe seemed to be launched chiefly from one major influence†¦a alteration in position. Perspective is what allowed the modern universe to get down to develop and would finally take us to what we have today. The Renaissance motion in Italy helped catapult a wholly new mentality of that which was standard in antediluvian and mediaeval times. It was a period in clip where a new position began to originate. The displacement from a God-centered point of view to a man-centered 1 developed a whole new originative manner of nearing political, societal, economic and cultural countries, and brought approximately great alteration in each of them. It marked a gradual displacement from a agriculture focussed society to an urban one, where metropoliss assumed a greater importance than in the past because of trade. It was besides a clip when originative thought and new engineering Lashkar-e-Taiba people comprehend and describe the universe more accurately. Science, doctrine, faith, art, and history combined to make a humanist attack to understanding the universe. Switching off from a society dominated by God-focused thought allowed creative persons and scientists likewise to get down progressing some reasonably extremist constructs. In ancient times the justification for anything that seemed unaccountable was based on a intent that the Gods had put away. The Gods brought the rain, pulled the Sun across the sky, changed the seasons, etc. When the Renaissance brought about a displacement in the manner we thought and saw things, there started to be a more scientific attack in the logical thinking behind the inquiries that were raised. Columbus challenged that the universe was round as opposed to level. Copernicus, pant, stated that the Sun is more likely to be the centre of our solar system and non the Earth. It was forward minds like these gentleman that brought about a alteration in society that would get down taking to a patterned advance of alteration instead than a stale and dead being that had been most outstanding in the clip period merely before the outgrowth of the Renaissance. A displacement in the manner society thought would be the accelerator for transmutation of the universe. Critically of import to this displacement in thought was the innovation of Gutenberg’s publishing imperativeness with movable type, which aided the spread of the Renaissance. Prior to holding the printed word, humanity relied on unwritten conveyance of cognition. Perpetrating information to memory was critical to successful life. The passage to books may hold damned memory as was one time known, but it besides provided chances to a turning displacement in idea to the multitudes. Printed books became more readily available and people learned to read and derive entree to a wide scope of cognition. As printing imperativenesss were established in Italy and other parts of Europe, printed books exposed educated Europeans to new thoughts and new topographic points. The add-on of printed plants, made available to the multitudes, added a more finite being to the constructs being fed to the populace. Opinions and ideas on social things were now being published for anyone with the ability to read to devour. Changing positions had a new friend that would assist present them to more people across the Earth, motivating quicker and more efficient transmutation. The general populace now had entree to the ideas of people like Martin Luther thanks in big portion to the printing imperativeness. This sort of handiness to positions such as Luther’s led to legion persons oppugning the current being of established establishments such as faith and authorities. In many ways the printed word helped launch positions to people that may hold been less prone to hearing those same constructs by word of oral cavity. These ideas were now able to be readily accessed by many, fostering an development of thought and construct that would alter the class of social development. Monarchial foundations would get down to be questioned as displacements in position led manner to an epoch of enlightenment. Past traditions and undisputed religion would be challenged by philosophers like Bacon, Locke, and Voltaire. Debating thoughts about authorities and single rights finally led to dispute of traditional regulation. Ultimately a path was paved for rebellion, most notably with the American and Gallic revolutions. Timess were switching from authorities of a supreme swayer to that of a way for single privileges. It makes perfect sense that when freedom comes from that which has kept us down, it is clip to get down to spread out and come on in efficiency. Emancipating ourselves from old traditions allows us to travel frontward and to boom more creatively. This is what the industrial revolution was to me. It was a clip following the separation of traditional authorities in which we could now develop ourselves and challenge ourselves in engineerings. Science and engineering progressed at such a rapid gait and new inventions were doing growing non merely feasible but at hand. Steam engines led to go and efficiency in machinery. Advanced fabrication procedures were made available because of growing in machining tools. It is a spot phantasmagoric to believe of the monumental displacements in industry from the late 18th century to mid 20th century. However, when you start to believe of how displacements in position and ways of idea can impact a civilization so rapidly, the concatenation reaction of development seems a small less incredible. It is still astonishing, but credible. Probably my favourite epoch that we had the chance to reflect upon and discuss was that in response to the industrial revolution, the romantic period. Puting accent on emotions and promoting art, literature, and music to new degrees was the halfway phase of this epoch. Switching from modern worlds, the romantic age stressed utilizing imaginativeness to visualise an flight. Poets like Keats, Shelley, and Lord Byron provided a more facile usage of linguistic communication that brought about power and beauty to the mundane. Romantic art centres more on the unmanageable, unpredictable nature as opposed to the controlled order seen in the enlightenment period. Romanticism was and still is all about experiencing no affair what the topic. There is no uncertainty that the promotions we have been able to analyze dating back to the Renaissance have come about quick, comparatively talking. The fact that we have seen geographic expeditions to new lands, freedoms won over oppressors, people able to wing, atomic arms created all in a small over five hundred old ages is mind blowing to state the least. To believe that merely about five centuries ago our universe was still perceived to be the centre of the existence and a level land. No uncertainty about it that a displacement in position was required to convey about a concatenation reaction of alteration. Challenging old thoughts and puting out to turn out new 1s is no original construct. The cardinal difference that enabled the point of view displacements in the Renaissance period to alter the class of our universe was the ability to acquire those new ideas in to the custodies of the multitudes. I wouldn’t needfully travel so far as to state that Gutenberg singlehandedly altered our class by his innovation. But he surely played a major portion in acquiring that class apparatus so that the driving force of disputing idea and position had a topographic point to travel. Once the class of the printed word was set, original positions were now able to travel frontward and convey about inquiries that institute planetary alteration. It about seems that now we have entered in to a period where we have become complacent with where we are. At least from a engineering point of view. Possibly there isn’t much more to contrive or alter. Possibly. I tend to believe that’s far from the truth nevertheless, and hopefully there’s a whole batch more philosophers on the skyline that will go on disputing and forcing us to the following epoch. It’s a good thing to acquire a alteration in position from clip to clip.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

B1 Corn as GMO Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

B1 Corn as GMO - Essay Example This cDNA strand is then isolated and cloned or duplicated for the purpose of transformation into another species and this transformation process is made possible with the help of the bacterium known as Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Peel, 2001). This particular bacterium infects specific woody dicotyledonous plant species, where certain parts of the Agrobacterium circular DNA known as Ti plasmid can insert themselves into the host plant’s cell (Peel, 2001). The host plant, which is the corn plant in this particular experiment, then expresses the Bt gene (Peel, 2001). If this particular transformation process is not opted for, then the gene gun can be utilized. The other transformation process is the use of gold particles and coating them with target genes, such as Bt genes in our example (Peel, 2001). Using a gene gun, the genes are shot into the single cells of the corn plant without the help of the Agrobacterium in a process known as particle acceleration (Peel, 2001). Now that the Bt genes are already incorporated into the corn plant, a series of tests should confirm the potency of the bacterial gene. Plant tissue culture is the next step. Individual cells of the corn plant are obtained for culture and are subjected to the transformation process, which basically involves the elimination of non-transformed cells using a method that involves the use of selectable marker genes (Peel, 2001). The cultured corn plant cells are then treated with herbicide or antibiotic, and whole corn plants called Bt corn plants are then grown from the seeds of those cultured cells that eventually survive (Peel, 2001). If the Bt corn plant expresses the trait even after several generations using laboratory techniques, then it is believed to be stable and can now be bred using conventional agricultural methods and the final test would be for it to be able to stand environmental conditions (Peel, 2001). The process of transformation of the corn gene into the Bt corn gene involve s a crucial intermediate step where, before the Bt gene is inserted into the corn plant, it is first modified with promoters that would later on be recognized by the corn plant itself (Peel, 2001). This step and particularly these promoters is most crucial to the development of the toxic properties of the Bt corn plant. Because of these promoters, Bt corn â€Å"encodes crystalline proteins from the bacteria that are responsible for larvae toxicity† (Peel, 2001). Upon the Bt corn being eaten, these crystalline proteins, or Cry proteins, will bind to the insect’s midgut and cause a water imbalance that will eventually burst the cells and kill the pest (Peel, 2001). There are currently two types of promoters used in developing the Bt corn plant – the CaMV35S promoter and the PEP carboxylase promoter. The former expresses the toxicity of the Cry proteins in all plant tissues including the photosynthetic parts as well as the ears, roots and tassels, thus killing all insects that subsist on any part of the plant (Peel, 2001). On the other hand, the PEP carboxylase promoter, due to its exclusive affinity to cells that actively manufacture photosynthetic proteins, expresses the toxic properties of the crystalline proteins only in the photosyntheti

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Advertising Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Advertising - Essay Example Advertising has changed over time, and advertising of the  present  time is not as the same what advertising used to be sixty years ago. In this paper, I will look at how the techniques used in advertising have changed over the years while some aspects still maintain the  appeal, as well as analyze how advertising works. The  gradual  technological advancement over the years has bought with it  modern  forms of advertising such as the use of the internet. However, in all the developing aspects of advertising media, there is still that appeal that advertisers use to get the attention of potential customers. According to  Fowles  (2011), advertisers usually  target  the  psychological  needs of consumers through their use of graphics and texts based on the emotional point of view. Advertisers take advantage of the fact that people have deep-lying desires and that individuals  privately  yearn for certain things to  present  their propositions in the most  appealing  ways. They do this by creating images in the minds of consumers about how  good  they will  feel  when they finally  satisfy  their  longing (Fowles, 2011). An advertisement contains a  combination  of both texts and graphics but in some cases, only texts or graphics. When there is the use of textual components in advertisement, one has to make sure that the words used  bring  out the message in the best way possible. Bovà ©e et al. (2009) suggest that the services of a copywriter, as unknown to many, are  extremely  crucial in the success of an advertisement. Copywriters know how to play around with words that capture the attention of  possible  buyers and promote the merits of products and services to the consumer. They combine the various aspects of textual components to make sure that when the advert is finally out, everything flows well, and the intended  message  is clear to all. Coming up with an effective

Monday, August 26, 2019

Meaning of a single word Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Meaning of a single word - Essay Example Looking deep into the roots of a word can tell us about other words it was derived from, and a little know how of how foreign languages have influenced English. And finally the usage of a word tells us about how it should be used in a sentence. Many times people know the correct meaning of a word but they are confused about how to use it and they end up not using it at all. The correct usage while keeping in mind the sentence structure, subject verb agreement, and the placement of prepositions is essential in using any word in a sentence or a paragraph. All of these aspects are discussed below so that the meaning of the given word is clear and no difficulty is faced in its usage in any context. A lantern is a transparent protective covering, usually portable and used for carrying or holding a light. It is used to protect the light from wind and weather. It often has translucent openings so that the light could pass clearly. Lanterns emit out light in an expanded way and they also have handles in their framework. The top room of a lighthouse which contains a lamp or any other source of light can also be referred to as a lantern as it gives out light and illuminates the structure and the area. Similarly, the top most structure of a building which is either open or windowed from all sides to admit light or ventilate the entire interior building. It is always good to know a few synonyms of the words we are using in a text, because synonyms help in building the vocabulary. They also lighten up the text and urge the reader to read more. Every word has several synonyms in the least as they can have more than one meaning. The word lantern has many synonyms as well but they are all referred more or less to a source of light. One of the synonyms of lantern is beacon. A beacon is a light which is used as a signal or a guide. One of the meanings

Health Systems Administration SLPs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Health Systems Administration SLPs - Essay Example g White Americans, prejudicial attitudes toward minorities remain more common than not, as over half to three quarters believe that relative to whites, minorities – particularly Africa Americans are less intelligent, more prone to violence, and prefer to live off welfare (Bobo, 2001, as quoted by Smedley, 2003). This discrimination often translates to how health care professionals relate to their patients, with whites often giving preferential treatment to fellow whites and being less solicitous of Blacks and other ethnic minorities. Socioeconomic factors are factors that pertain to the economic status of the patient and economic factors that affect availability and accessibility of health services. This factor is sometimes seen in the thousands of patients without health insurance and those who cannot afford to pay for their medical bills. Socioeconomic factors eventually affect the delivery of health care services as seen in hospitals unable to afford the hiring of more medi cal personnel or unable to purchase medical equipment. The last factor affecting the delivery of health care is personnel shortage. At present, the United States is experiencing nursing and other medical personnel shortage. For nurses alone, National Surveys revealed that in the year 2006, 2.6 million full-time practicing RNs were needed nationally. Personnel shortage affects health care delivery in the sense that fewer personnel available to care for patients inadvertently increases work load for available medical personnel. Possible work overload affects the quality of health services. It also affects the number of patients that the hospital can accommodate. Hospitals cannot be compelled to admit more patients if they know they cannot care for them. As a manager, I would deal with racial/ethnic factors in the workplace by setting a good example. As manager, at times, I am asked to deal with hiring manpower or personnel. In these instances, I will consciously monitor

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Econ 310 Sangkeun 1st assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Econ 310 Sangkeun 1st assignment - Essay Example The pleasure obtained from using a certain thing will differ from one person to another, depending on the perspective of the possessor or owner of that thing. This use value cannot be quantified in terms of how much pleasure one can obtain or not. Exchange - Value: As opposed to the use-value, exchange-value is a quantifiable worth of something. It determines what one can obtain in exchange for some other thing. In other words, it can be said it is the proportional quantity in which it can be bartered with all other commodities and things. Value: In Karl Marx's perspective, value is a social substance of an object, which renders use-value as entirely meaningless; and exchange value is traditionally the relative value of an object in relation with another. Although it does not mean to ignore the use-value and exchange-value, because it is the use value of a thing that forms the basis for determining the exchange-value; which determines its ultimate value. Karl Marx has defined commodity as 'an external object that satisfies wants or needs', these commodities differ from each other because of its use value and the exchange value. Whereas, Marx used the word fetish to describe some object or commodity that fascinates and blinds oneself from seeing the truth. Hence, coined the term 'commodity fetishism'.

Saturday, August 24, 2019


PSYCHO-SOCIOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY - Essay Example Culture and media---in many ways manipulate the ways of thinking of the society. Women grew up deeming that perilous sports are meant for male species, because that is exactly how they were made to believe. However, as society changed its stand on gender equality, women gracefully marched into the tennis courts and charmingly started to acquire gold medals and trophies. Brown, Katrina J., (2010, p.1), â€Å"Globally, the participation of women and girls in sport has increased tremendously. Much of this growth has been attributed to relatively recent changes in national and international law, yet few empirical studies exist that test this assertion. In this study, the role of law, specifically gender-based sports doctrine, is examined across four nations: the USA, Australia, Canada, and Iran. Results are mixed, suggesting women have increased their participation in elite sporting events despite national legal and bureaucratic variations regarding women in sport.† Then again, despite the contribution and desperate attempts of women to participate in sports which are as dangerous as racing, dirt biking, surfing---men continuously dominate this field. The vindication on this issue is simple: gender, until this day, has a great bearing on people’s decisions. In the face of numerous efforts to pull off various recognitions in different fields which are normally for men, women are still outnumbered by Adam’s sons when it comes to sports activities. On the other hand, getting into sports---especially for men---can almost be taken as a social requirement, that not being able to be good at it can also make a person feel like he is less fit or not outstanding. It may not be the intended connotation of promoting physical activities in schools, however, peer pressure, as well as other societal aspects impel more and more people to get into sports---at times---not because they are inclined to, but they feel that

Friday, August 23, 2019

Meeting to Improve Production Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Meeting to Improve Production - Essay Example Within the workplace, several examples of basic needs are rest periods, lunch breaks, and wages. Safety needs in the workplace can include job security, seniority, pensions, and medical and life insurance. A person must feel safe and be granted a freedom from fear. Only then can they continue to excel. Social needs are defined as the need for love, affection, and a sense of belonging in one’s relationships with other persons. Workplace examples of these needs include work groups, teamwork, and company outings. Friendships are beneficial to humans at home and in the workplace, but some employers do not realize the importance of this association. Research has shown that promoting social interaction among employees will increase morale and productivity. Self esteem needs are defined as the need for the esteem of others; respect, prestige, recognition, and personal sense of competence. Humans are egocentric, and everyone likes to be praised. A worker appreciates recognition for a job well done. This recognition will motivate them to continue working hard for the company. If the praise is lacking, the worker will begin to understand that doing quality work is unnecessary. The praise need merely be a few words of gratitude in the presence of their peers.The last level of Maslow’s hierarchy, the pinnacle of achievement, is self-actualization. This represents a lofty goal for an individual; the need to fulfill oneself; to grow and use one’s abilities to the fullest and most creative extent. The concept offers a variety of interpretations, because it differs with each person.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Tests That Can Determine an Entire Future Essay Example for Free

The Tests That Can Determine an Entire Future Essay Albert Einstein once said, It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge. How, though, may teachers follow these wise words, when they must constantly worry about educating their students so they can pass just one of the many standardized tests thrust upon them? John Dewey, an American philosopher, also said, The real process of education should be the process of learning to think through the application of real problems. How, though, can students possibly learn critical thinking if they are forced to learn through relentless memorization and worksheets in order for them to pass one test upon which their futures so highly depend? This phenomenon of accountability testing and holding teachers accountable for scores has swept across the country, creating a negative approach to educating the youth of America. Due to the lack of validity of these tests and the negative effects on teachers and students, standardized testing is ruining the public education system. With accountability for standardized testing being a new trend in America, today, many do not realize how long ago they were actually used and why they are being used now. Dan Fletcher wrote in a Time magazine article that China was the first country to ever develop standardized tests, which were used to test government officials (4). This new idea began to move westward, but writing essays was still the favored method of testing. However, in 1905, America began to conform to the new trend, and Alfred Binet developed the IQ test, which emerged as an easy way to test large numbers of students quickly(Fletcher 5). Today, standardized tests have become the sole measure of not only student success, but also the success of the school and teachers. A few years ago, in 2001, George W. Bush passed the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), which [expanded] state-mandated standardized testing as means of assessing school performance (How Standardized Testing). The passing of this law brought about an enormous wave of change. Schools now use standardized testing to determine if children are ready for school[to] diagnose for learning disability, retardation and other handicaps; and to decide whether to promote, retain in grade, or graduate many students (How Standardized Testing). Obviously, there have been many changes made to the idea of standardized testing. Society has gone from using them to test government officials to now using the tests as a means of judging a students knowledge. Yet, are they actually helping America? Research, from the present and the past, has shown that education in America has seen no improvement since the spread of standardized testing. In 1999, according to the National Research Center, In comparison with students from 143 other countries, American students finished in the lowest quarter in geometry and ranked second from the bottom in algebra (Sykes). Ten years later, America is still experiencing low stats, even with the passing of the NCLB Act. There are many statistics showing the decline of the United States in the global rankings: U.S. students slipped from 18th in the world in math in 2000 to 31st place in 2009, with a similar decline in science and no change in reading (Is the Use of). It is ironic that this decline became noticeable not long after Bushs NCLB Act was passed, with the intended purpose of bettering the education of Americas students. One reason for this digression is the fact that the tests favor not only white Americans, but also the wealthy. There have been many critics who have said that standardized tests are racist because of the difference in performance: Evidence of such differences in test scores raise the issue that perhaps these tests are discriminating. Tests do not recognize that students of different cultures may have different learning styles (Hudson 52). For this reason, Hispanics, African-Americans and foreign exchange students do not experience high success rates on these tests. Furthermore, the tests tend to favor the wealthy, rather than the less fortunate students: There is no question that students with greater resources and economic opportunities perform better as a general rule on standardized testsstandardized tests are unfair because the questions require a set of knowledge and skills more likely to be possessed by children from a privileged background. (Hudson 50) In a country where discrimination is ruled unconstitutional, would one not think that government officials would work to eliminate this? Not only are these tests favorable to certain people, but it does not help that accountability tests have become the sole determinant of students knowledge and their readiness to move on with their education. It is now to the point where [schools] require students to pass an exit exam before they can graduate from high school. Even if the students pass all their courses, they can be denied their diplomas (Hudson 57). It is completely incomprehensible that a student can pass every single one of his or her high school courses needed to graduate, but he or she will not receive a diploma because of one, single, measly test score. Not only does this issue occur with high school, but there is even more pressure on students when it comes to getting into a college: The ACT and its counterpart, the SAT, have become one of the largest determining factors in the college-admissions process, particularly for elite schools (Fletcher 4). So, now students cannot even get into the college of their choice without meeting the required standards on one of these ridiculous tests. Making matters worse, there are so many things that can go wrong on the day of that one test that can decide a students future: Studies have documented that how students fare on standardized tests can be greatly influenced by a host of external factors, including stress over taking the test, amount of sleep, distractions at the testing site, time of day, emotional state and others (French 64). If this is so, then why do government officials continue to falsely judge Americas knowledge by basing its success on the performance of one test? It is already bad enough that these outrageous tests are the sole basis of a students educational progress, but they also insult the students intelligence. These tests consist of absolutely no curriculum whatsoever, and do not involve one bit of critical thinking: [The NCLB Act] bypass[es] curriculum and standardsit demand[s] that schools generate higher test scores in basic skills, but it require[s] no curriculum at all, nor [does] it raise standards (Ravitch 16). Therefore, all of the classes that students are required to take in high school, in reality, are not really helping them with these oh so important tests. They are completely excluding history, civics, literature, science, the arts, and geography (Ravitch 16). Instead, they test how to read graphs, reading comprehension, grammar, and other ridiculous things that do not really test a students full capability or creativity. For these reasons, a different approach to reform is needed-one that focuses on helping students develop high-levels of proficiency in the real-world and competencies they will need to succeed in the workplace tomorrow (Reha 46). By doing this, America would be significantly helping its youth by preparing them for the future, rather than preparing them for a single test with no critical thinking at all. Unfortunately, there have been no changes made since the spread of standardized testing evolved; positive changes, that is. As an effect of this phenomenon, there have been many changes in the way teachers must teach, and the way the environment must be within their classrooms. Now, teachers find themselves teaching to the test, rather than getting their students involved in real-life decision making: They are forced to teach in ways that are not developmentally appropriate and do not promote critical thinking and decision-making (Solley 53). What good is it doing a student by filling out multiple choice essays, rather than learning how to problem solve and make good decisions? Now, it is all rote learning, [and] less real learningkids fill out more worksheets, answer more questions at the end of textbook chapters, and participate in more drills (Reha 45), than ever before. It is no surprise that teachers are very opposed to this method, and are often fighting against it. David Berliner and Sharon L. Nichols, authors of Has No Child Left Behind Been Good for Education, wrote that they often found teachers and administrators repeatedly telling them that they were being held responsible for their students performance regardless of other factors that may affect it. [They] found teachers concerned about their loss of moraleand the undercutting of their professionalism (49). Apparently, teachers feelings do not matter in this country. America has made it obvious that teachers no longer have a say in how they teach and the way they run their classrooms, which only causes an inevitable chain of negativity leading to the students, themselves. With all of these negative changes that must be made by the teachers, it is no wonder why students are becoming less motivated to learn. People cannot expect students to honestly want to sit through a boring lecture about the facts and statistics that they must memorize just so they can pass one, single test: Schools no longer strive to create informed citizens; instead, they focus only on teaching children what is essential for them to know to pass the government-mandated standardized tests. As a result, childrens motivation and learning suffer (Solley 41). As previously said, teachers must have students fill out more worksheets and multiple choice exams than ever; how could that possibly be fun for a child? Bobbie A. Solley, author of Education, wrote that children are now under increased pressure to perform on demand, memorize mundane facts and figures, and sit for long periods of time while listening to the teacher and/or filling in circles on a worksheet (49). How could a student feel motivated to go to school knowing that this is what he or she will be doing for the entire day? Think about it. Think about what the futures of students could look like without standardized testing. Picture how stress free their lives could be, without any added pressures of performing well on these ridiculous tests. Imagine them being able to engage in critical thinking and decision-making that will help them in the real-world, rather than engaging in learning just for one test. If only people would see how successful the youth of America could be without the use of standardized testing.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Cleanliness is Next to Goldenness Essay Example for Free

Cleanliness is Next to Goldenness Essay Each fall thousands of high school graduates, enter their next phase of life, the college phase. Arriving on campus filled with excitement and waiting for all the hectic college experiences. Finding classrooms, ordering books, late night studying, parties and sleeping in till three in the afternoon. The freedom is nice. A large part of college students are busy doing homework and socializing with others, and don’t have enough time to clean their living environment. By creating a time schedule in which each roommate can clean a certain area in the dorm will overall enhance a healthier living quarters. After the acceptance into a college or university, the next relative question would be, â€Å"Who will my roommate be?† and â€Å"What he/she will be like!† As cited by Romos and Torgler, â€Å"Specifically, when academics see that other academics have violated the social norm of keeping the common room clean, all else being equal, the probability of their littering increases by around 40%† (Romos, J., Torgler, B., 2013). An unclean living area could result in, â€Å"Clutter or filth, clutter can collect dirt, provide a hiding spot for pests, and can cause trips or falls† (National Center for Healthy Housing, n.p.). People would think that everyone’s natural instincts is to pick up after themselves when they see clothes on the floor, dirty dishes in the sink, or a carpet that needs to be vacuumed. But never the less, studies show if one person in the home is careless about his or her things, the opposite person will eventually adapt the careless ro utine. Another viewpoint that could be taking into perspective is, probably the student is to busy to clean, or perhaps their parents cleaned their surrounding for them. Being the bigger person in this type of situation by just cleaning up after them could potentially create an environment of cleanliness and the careless person will catch on. Although, having a dorm room to call your own isnt quite what it’s made up to be. It is in fact ‘your room’. However, students should be mindful that they are sharing their living quarters with others. Bliss stated that, †We came to feel that students really ought to take more responsibility for their own space† (as cited in Chronicle of Higher Education, 1999).  Adjusting to college, sharing a room, living room and sometimes a kitchen can be deceiving. One thing about being apart of the dorm lifestyle is sharing your space. Within that space is your belongings as well as two or more peoples belongings. And by just being in control of your own personal belongings can in the long run result in a more organized environment. Granted, you may have a very heavy schedule, adapting to college could be overwhelming and stressful. You may not have much time to pick up after yourself or clean your surroundings. Be mindful, if your roommate has an unorganized s pace and your side is kept up neatly, do not alter your habits for someone else. If this situation accrues, I highly suggest to sit down with all your roommates to discuss who and when everyone should clean the dorm. Thus, gives you and your roommates the opportunity to vent their opinions as will as solve any miscommunication problems. Becoming an adult can be life changing, there is more things in life that you are responsible for, as stated by Kurtus, â€Å"A person who has a reputation of being responsible is trusted to do things on his or her own, without supervision† (Kurtus , 2001). Taking full responsibility and owning up to all the mishaps that go on in your dorm is vary important. Being irresponsible can lead to a dysfunctional living area and can potentially lead your other friends not wanted to come over, because it’s dirty, unorganized or just filled with clutter. Sharing the responsibility of your room, living room, bathroom and perhaps the kitchen, can ultimately change the way you and your roommates work together. Creating a schedule that can be posted on the wall for everyone to read, with a helpful layout of who and when each roommate will clean a certain area in the dorm. This schedule will effectively mold a healthier and cleaner environment as the semester or year goes. This will c reate an overall respect, responsibility, self control and comfort knowing that the dorm is kept up and clean. Me and my three other roommates personally created a flexible schedule that helped each one of us. Within the first week of school, we sat down and figured out our class schedule and a preferred time frame that everyone was comfortable with. Every two days someone for example, was in charge of the bathroom, and living room. Along with those responsibilities also came with  taking personal care of your bed side such as, picking clothes off the floor, an organized work area and a straighten bed. With my previous personal experience, I came to the conclusion that having a schedule in place makes a huge difference, compared to when I go into another dorm with four other girls and they do not have a schedule. I tend to notice that if there is no schedule in place, the roommates just live day by day lives, without thinking to clean. â€Å"The messy room is emblematic, a strident statement. Feeling entitled to live on his or her own, more independent, â€Å"Its my space, its my decision, its my life† (Pickhardt, 2012). Everyone makes their own decisions, either good or bad. Whether or not it’s choosing to clean, organize or just leave your area dirty, it’s totally up to you. However it will result in major consequences that will effect you in the long run. Affectively, keeping your area clean can create great habits that you will continue to follow in the future. References Chronicle of Higher Education. (1999). Can somebody at least do my laundry?. Chronicle of Higher Education, 46(11), n.p. (no doi or database) Kurtus, R. (2001, April 18). Being responsible shows character. Retrieved from National Center for Healthy Housing. (n.p.). Healthy homes. Retrieved from Pickhardt, C. (2012). The messy room. Retrieved from Romos, J., Torgler, B. . (2013). Are academics messy? testing the broken windows theory with a field experiment in the work environment. Review Of Law Economics, 8(2), 563-574. doi: 10.1515/1555-5879.1617 Willoughby, B. J., Carroll, J. S. (2009). The impact of living in co-ed resident halls on risk-taking among college students. Journal Of American College Health, 58(3), 241-246. Retrieved from SPORTDiscus with Full Text.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Case Study of Hyundai Motor Company

Case Study of Hyundai Motor Company Hyundai Motor Company, a major company in the Hyundai Kia Automotive Group which is the worlds fifth largest automaker as of the end of 2009, (In 2008, Hyundai ranked the eighth largest auto maker, without including Kia.) and the worlds fastest growing automaker. Headquartered in Seoul, South Korea, Hyundai operates the worlds largest integrated automobile manufacturing facility in Ulsan, which is capable of producing 1.6 million units annually. The company employs about 75,000 persons around the world, Hyundai vehicles are sold in 193 countries through some 6,000 dealerships and showrooms worldwide. The Hyundai logo, a slanted, stylized H, symbolizes the company shaking hands with its customer. Hyundai translates from the word modernity, and is pronounced as Hyon-dae in Korean. Chung Ju-Yung founded the Hyundai Engineering and Construction Company in 1947. Hyundai Motor Company was later established in 1967. The companys first model, the Cortina, was released in cooperation with Ford Motor Company in 1968. When Hyundai wanted to develop their own car, they hired George Turnbull, the former Managing Director of Austin Morris at British Leyland. He in turn hired five other top British car engineers. They were Kenneth Barnett body design, engineers John Simpson and Edward Chapman, John Crosthwaite as chassis engineer and Peter Slater as chief development engineer. In 1975, the Pony, the first Korean car, was released, with styling by Giorgio Giugiaro of Italian Design and power train technology provided by Japans Mitsubishi Motors. Exports began in the following year to Ecuador and soon thereafter to the Benelux countries. In 1991, the company succeeded in developing its first proprietary gasoline engine, the four-cylinder Alpha, and transmission, thus paving the way for technological independence. In 1983, Hyundai exported the Pony to Canada, but not to the United States because the Pony didnt pass emissions standards there. Canadian sales greatly exceeded expectations, and it was at one point the top-selling car on the Canadian market. The Pony afforded a much higher degree of quality and refinement in the lowest price auto segment than the Eastern-bloc imports of the period then available. In 1986, Hyundai began to sell cars in the United States, and the Excel was nominated as Best Product #10 by Fortune magazine, largely because of its affordability. The company began to produce models with its own technology in 1988, beginning with the midsize Sonata. In 1998, Hyundai began to overhaul its image in an attempt to establish itself as a world-class brand. Chung Ju Yung transferred leadership of Hyundai Motor to his son, Chung Mong Koo, in 1999. Hyundais parent company, Hyundai Motor Group, invested heavily in the quality, design, manufacturing, and long-term research of its vehicles. It added a 10-year or 100,000-mile (160,000 km) warranty to cars sold in the United States and launched an aggressive marketing campaign. In 2004, Hyundai was ranked second in initial quality in a survey/study by J.D. Power and Associates. Hyundai is now one of the top 100 most valuable brands worldwide. Since 2002, Hyundai has also been one of the worldwide official sponsors of the FIFA World Cup. Hyundai has invested in manufacturing plants in the North America, China, Czech Republic, Pakistan, India, and Turkey as well as research and development centers in Europe, Asia, North America, and the Pacific Rim. In 2004, Hyundai Motor Company had $57.2 billion in sales in South Korea making it the countrys second largest corporation. Worldwide sales in 2005 reached 2,533,695 units, an 11 percent increase over the previous year. Hyundai has set as its 2006 target worldwide sales of 2.7 million units (excluding exports of CKD kits). In 2007 it reached 3,961,629 worldwide vehicle sales-surpassing Fiat, Chrysler, PSA/Peugeot, Nissan, and Honda. Hyundai Motor Companys brand power continues to rise as it was ranked 72nd in the 2007 Best Global Brands by Interbrand and BusinessWeek survey. Brand value estimated at $4.5 billion. Public perception of the Hyundai brand has been transformed as a result of dramatic improvements in the quality of Hyundai vehicles. Hyundai is one of the leading groups of Companies founded in South Korea. It is the general trading house of Korea, which provides various import and export services. There are several types of products are included in its import and export services such as plants machinery, automobiles, steel and chemical products, general commodities etc. Firstly it was founded as the construction company then the management of the company diversified its business activities in various business areas. The corporation operates its business worldwide through 34 worldwide offices. Through its global presence, it provides optimal solutions to the customer according their requirements. It is helpful to enhance its financial capability in the industry. Hyundai Motor Company is one of the divisions of the Hyundai Corporation, which is the fourth largest automaker in the world. Hyundai Heavy Industries division is the largest shipbuilder in the world (Hyundai Corporation, 2010). Internal Environment Analysis The analysis of the internal environment is an important component for the business as it helps to determine the effectiveness of the management strategies and the threats, which may cause problem for the organization. For the internal and external analysis the SWOT analysis tool could be used. The SWOT analysis tool would help to determine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of an organization. The internal environment analysis of the Hyundai can be analyzed through the analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the organization Strenghs: Diversified business activities The Company is involved in the diversified business segments as it provides several types of import and export services to its customer worldwide. It is the largest automaker in Asia and fourth largest automaker in world, which enhance its effectiveness in global exposure. It also helps to capture a large amount of customer worldwide. Information gathering capability -The information gathering capability of the company is effective as it obtains prompt and extensive information from its sources worldwide. It also uses the advanced trading techniques to obtain the extensive information. Quality advantages The quality of the Hyundai automobile is better than the other manufacturers in Asia as owners of Hyundai cars are experiencing less problems from the owners, who obtains other brand. Sound financial position The Hyundai Corporation is enjoying a continuous increase in its sales revenue worldwide, which is also causing an increase in the net income of the business (Hyundai Motor Company, 2010). The business activities are operated in ethical and social manner, which causes an increase in the image of the company in the society. Weaknesses: An increase in the cost of production is reducing the net income of the company. It is also imposing commodity price risks on the company as the price of inputs such as steel, plastic, aluminum etc. The company is also experiencing the exchange rate risk because of the worldwide business activities. The exchange rate risk is affecting the total revenue of the business. The fluctuation in the foreign exchange rates is affecting the business performance as it is involved in the import and export of several services. Increase in debt to equity ratio The Company is also experiencing an increase in the debt equity ratio, which exhibits an increase in the interest expenses of the company. The external financial obligation is also increasing, which may create financial problems for Hyundai (Hyundai Motor Company, 2010). Analysis of the External Environment The business of Hyundai also operates in the external environment and there are several opportunities and threats are produced by the external environment for the company. The analysis of the opportunities and threats helps to achieve the competitive position for the company. The analysis of the external factors is beneficial for the company if it is performed effectively and efficiently. Hyundai is one of the leading companies in the automobile industry and it has the following opportunities and threats Opportunities: Entry in ship building business It is the leading company in the heavy industry and entry in the ship building business would be effective for the business in order to enhance its revenue and market share as well. New project development The launching and development of the new projects and products would also cause an increase in the performance of the business in the industry. The increase in the demand for fuel efficient vehicles would also cause the success of the new launched projects and products. Business expansion Hyundai also have the opportunity of the business expansion as it is an Asian company and had the opportunity of expanding its business in Asian Pacific Market. Reduction in cost The Company operates its business in several countries around the globe and it can reduce its cost of production by enhancing the production capacity in the countries with lower amount of cost (Hyundai Motor Company, 2010). Threats: Environment regulations The environment regulations are posing threats for the business as diversification of the business may cause the violation of the environmental regulations. Declining economy The decline in the economy is also causing a decrease in the market position of the company as well as also reducing the market capitalization of it. Political problems The business unit in the different countries may cause the problems for the business (Hyundai Motor Company, 2010). Environmental Analysis In the present contemporary environment every business operates its business activities in highly competitive environment. There are various environmental factors, which influences the operation of the organization. Entry 2 Effect of Economic Environment The Company is operating with a rapid economic growth in the business by capturing the environmental opportunities. The increase in the value of currency of Korea against the US dollar is also causing an increase in the profits of the business from the foreign business activities. Labor is not cheap in Korea but increase in the production capacity in the nations with lower wage rate is reducing overall cost of the business. In 2009, Hyundai Motor Company succeeded in selling 2.4 million vehicles overseas, a meaningful accomplishment considering the global economic crisis. In particular, Elantra, Genesis, Genesis Coupe, Santa Fe, and Veracruz were recognized as the best and safest cars in their categories by leading agencies and the media in the US. Also, Hyundai achieved cumulative export sales of 1 million cars in Africa during the 33 years since it first began exporting to the region. Hyundai Motor Company pledges continuous growth by maximizing brand value in developed markets and expanding its sales capacity in emerging markets. Entry 3 Effect of Industry Environment Hyundai Motor Company was named Carmaker of the Year by AM, UKs leading auto trade magazine, in the AM Awards 2010. Carmaker of the Year is awarded to companies that launch innovative vehicles that pioneer changes in the auto industry through continuous investment in RD and advanced dealer network programs. Highly recognized for its sharp sales increase, first-rate dealership programs, and growth in brand awareness, Hyundai Motor Company beat other candidates including Ford, Jaguar, and Landrover to be selected as the winner of the coveted title. In 2008, UKs Autocar selected Hyundai Motor Company as Automaker of the Year, praising Hyundai for having grown into a top-class global automaker with its competitive products. Entry 4 Effect of Political and Legal Environment The increase in the relationship between the different countries and their government is a good indicator for the business of Hyundai as it operates its business in various countries. It would generate business expansion opportunity for Hyundai. In order to ensure the proper compliance of the business activities with the applicable legislation, the corporation works on certain guidelines for the different business operation in different countries. It is essential as every country has different rules and business regulations. Entry 5 Effect of Socio-cultural environment The socio-cultural factors also affect the business effectiveness and performance. The business of Hyundai is operated in the several countries worldwide and the society and culture of those countries are entirely different (Wessels, 2000). The management of the company operates its business by studying the social and cultural factors of the country effectively. Entry 6 Effect of Ethical Environment Hyundai Corp. introduced Ethics Management at the beginning of year 2004, to build the basis for survival on its own and to seek mutual benefit of all parties involved including customers and business partners etc. by preventing moral hazard of the employees and implementing transparent, responsible, and honest management. The company organized its Ethics Management Office, with the Executive Director of the Corporate Planning Personnel Management Office serving as the Chief Ethics Officer, and also established the Principles of Business Conduct, the Code of Conduct, and the Self-Review Questionnaire. The Questionnaire pops up from the initial windows screen every day during the first week of any month when the employees check in to the intranet system, to remind them of and draw their voluntary participation to the idea and pursuit of Ethics Management in practice. Special training and educational sessions on best practices of ethical management from leading corporations and institutions will be presented regularly to the staff. All the members of the company have submitted his or her own pledge of compliance to the various ethics codes, and those in violation will be subject to discipline by the Human Resources Committee following due examination by the Ethics Management Office. Entry 7 Effect of Technological Environment The management of the company is continuously involved in using world class technology in order to achieve technological advancement. The use of most modern technologies causes an increase in customer service effectiveness. Financial data The business strategies of Hyundai are to increase the opportunities through the environmental factors is effective as it is causing an increase in the number of sales units continuously. But in the last year the economic factors has affected the sales of the business as total number of units sold were 1668745 in the year 2008, which is less in comparison of the year 2007 in which it was 1700297 units (Hyundai Motor Company, 2010). The decrease in the sales was domestically due to fluctuation in the current rate as well as in commodity rate. Recommendation There are various alternative strategies, which can be adopted by the management of Hyundai in order to improve business performance such as integration strategy, growth strategy etc. The company should use the integration strategy to expand the business worldwide. It would be beneficial for the business as it would reduce the impact of political and legal factors on the business operations. The affect of the economic factors would also be less due to proper knowledge of the customer behavior, their buying pattern in an effective manner. Implementation of Strategy Hyundai could implement the integration strategy in an effective manner through its diverse workforce and business activities. The diverse workforce would be beneficial to develop the motivation techniques within the organization according to their culture and beliefs (Ryall Craig, 2003). For the effective implementation of the integration strategy the management of the company should develop a proper plan related to the various aspects of the business operations. Evaluation Control Implementation of the integration strategy is not sufficient itself for the business effectiveness. The evaluation of the business effectiveness in timely manner is essential for rapid growth of the business. Company administration should periodically review its implementation process which is necessary for its efficient applications and future results (Ryall Craig, 2003). This step makes implementation process effective.

History of Puerto Rico and Spanish Rule :: Hispanic History Historical Essays

History of Puerto Rico and Spanish Rule The history of Puerto Rico under Spanish rule is one of European exploitation of non white peoples for the purpose of economic gain. The ‘discovery’ made by Columbus in 1492 had a great impact on the highly competitive countries in Europe who saw, in lands like Puerto Rico, the possibility of prosperity and advancement. More than hoping to spread their influence or religion, Europeans wanted to take advantage of the lands and resources which seemed unused. Actually the lands were being used quite successfully, but in unfamiliar ways which did not concern many Europeans. With little regard for the native people, Europe began conquering the eastern hemisphere in the name of colonization. Areas which had only known one race for centuries were flooded with people from all over the world seeking money and status. As the stakes grew, and select people and countries heavily prospered off their colonies, ethical and moral restraint declined. The result was a world filled wit h a diverse group of races, extreme distinctions in class differences, and mixing of culture. This was the case for Puerto Rico, which was just as much affected by colonialism as other areas, but has certain qualities which make the Puerto Rican identity unique. After conquering Puerto Rico in 1508 Juan Ponce de Leon looked for a labor supply which he could use to produce riches for Spain and himself. He attempted to force the native Tainos into hard labor and plantation life, but could keep them neither controlled or stationary. Many Tainos escaped enslavement or other forms of forced labor for two reasons (Figueroa, Sept. 24). First Tainos were historically a mobile culture, which roamed the land intentionally before the Spanish made it a necessity. Second, the hinterlands, the rough mountainous interior of Puerto Rico, was easily accessible and navigable to Tainos, but extremely difficult for the Spanish. Thus, Whites were unsuccessful in their attempts to bind natives to the land because the Tainos were able to strategically move away from their persecution. In their attempt to escape class persecution a subculture was formed in Puerto Rico. Many Puerto Ricans turned towards artistic means of expression, represented by the jibaro, because this was one area the Spanish could not restrict (Figueroa, Sept. 17). The result was the â€Å"total expression of the life of the spirit† through language in all of its forms (Valle Antilles, 95).

Monday, August 19, 2019

Illegal Immigrants Threaten the American Economy Essay -- Illegal Immi

The subject of illegal migration into the United States is a very controversial and challenging issue; but overall America’s systematic approach for regulating illegal immigrants entering our country has failed. It pertains to millions of individuals and families journeying to the bulls-eye country of America without proper documentation; but it also consists of people entering the country legally, but they violate the terms of their approved visas and passports by permanently residing here, rather than the allotted time frame they’re given. Amazing enough, The Federation For American Immigration Reform or better known as FAIR, estimated that in 2007, â€Å"the illegal immigrant population seated well above 13 million people.† Also considering this massive number grows roughly by â€Å"as many as 500,000 people every year,† across the United States; therefore a more efficient way of controlling our population needs to be effectively put into action. But wh y would these aliens risk so much to inhabit and live in the United States? It doesn’t involve too much cognitive ability to understand that under the unsatisfactory circumstances of poverty, economic deficiencies, and high unemployment rates, many will do whatever it takes to pursue the American Dream. Despite the dangers and risks that could potentially arise from crossing the border, to these illegals, the benefits of successfully migrating outweigh the costs. ( An interesting law has passed merely a few weeks ago within the state of Arizona. With our government cracking down on the illegal flow by increasing more stadium lights, fences, and man power throughout Southern California, and Texas, it has â€Å"forced a shift in the flow of illegal immigrants that ... ...ection rates than that of the United States. To make matters worse, an emergence of a Multi-Drug-Resistant strain of Tuberculosis formed three years ago (MDR-TB) and can leave a patient with over a million dollars in medical fee’s, while only a fity percent of patients going under specified treatment survive. It’s rather unfortunate, but America cannot withstand the burden of financial bills for treating the world’s diseased, ill, sick, and infected population. The government should make protecting its citizens from the catastrophic diseases brought in from illegal immigrants around the globe. How many more school children will have to be infected from catching TB before something is done? What’s the purpose of screening legal aliens for diseases that are contagious if the illegals can roam our country and infect our fellow citizens?

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Comparing the Feminine Quest in Surfacing and Song of Solomon Essay

The Feminine Quest in Surfacing and Song of Solomon      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Margaret Atwood in her novel Surfacing and Toni Morrison in her novel Song of Solomon require their heroines to pass through a stage of self-interpretation as a prerequisite for re-inventing the self.   This stage in the feminine journey manifests a critical act typically absent in the traditional male journey, and one that places Atwood and Morrison's heroines at odds with the patriarchal community.   If authors of feminine journeys meet the requirements set out by feminist critics like Dana Heller, then we must also provide a method for interpreting the texts that will be palatable for critics from the patriarchy.   Otherwise we perpetuate an hostility between the camps that debilitates everyone.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The typical male hero's task has been to return to his community and share the boon of his journey.   That boon may be treasure badly needed for the culture's economics, it may be new wisdom needed for the proper dispensation of justice and national confidence, it may be the return to fecundity through the defeat of a monster who has been imposing an impotence on the land. Whether the boon is economic or spiritual, under the monomythic model, the stories credit the male's efforts and de-emphasize the heroine's roles in the boon's attainment.      Ã‚   The typical heroine's journey, however, existed at best as a sub-plot to the male's effort. Her role in the quest "is not meant for her active heroism," as Dana Heller says,   "but for her passive submission to a hero" (10).   Thus, if she didn't die along the quest, she married the hero.   As his spouse, she helped him dispense his boon in the typical feminine manner of caregiver, lover or innocent.   Often, the... ... New York:   Ballantine Books, 1972. Brenner, Gerry.   "Song of Solomon:   Rejecting Rank's Monomyth and Feminism," Critical Essays on Toni Morrison.   Reserve Shelf, University of Montana, 1993. Fabre, Genevieve.   "Genealogical Archeology or the Quest for Legacy in Song of   Solomon," Critical Essays on Toni Morrison.   Reserve Shelf, University of Montana, 1993. Heller, Dana.   "The Feminization of Quest Romance."   Reserve Shelf, University of  Ã‚   Montana, 1993. Hoy, David Cousens.   The Critical Circle: Literature, History and Philosophical  Ã‚  Ã‚   Hermeneutics.   Berkeley:   University of California Press, 1978. Morrison, Toni.   Song of Solomon.   New York: Penguin Books, USA, 1978. O'Shaughnessy, Kathleen.   "Life, life, life, life:   the Community of Chorus in Song of  Ã‚   Solomon," Critical Essays on Toni Morrison.   Reserve Shelf, University of Montana, 1993.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Better wear Sunscreen

It has been so hot nowadays, people are more cautious about their skin. Everyday is another dry and warm day. Why is this so? This is due to the reason of Global warming. No matter how much skin protection you are using it is still futile because the sun’s rays deeply penetrate inside your skin. As some people cut trees illegally, then the earth’s temperature will increase and increase each day. Large tracts of forests worldwide are now being cleared. Some are already cleared for industrial or agricultural purposes.The remaining trees may not be enough to absorb the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The carbon dioxide is used by plants to manufacture food. It is also called a greenhouse gas. This kind of gas retains heat longer compared to other gases. Surface temperature rises as more trees and plants are cut or destroyed. The resulting high surface temperature due to the accumulation of the carbon dioxide is referred to as the greenhouse effect. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere acts like the glass in a greenhouse. It traps heat from the environment. It causes air temperature to rise.The glass of the greenhouse prevents warm air from escaping. The air temperature inside the greenhouse rises as a result. This would lead to global warming (â€Å"Global Warming†. Grolier Encyclopedia of Knowledge). Moreover, global warming pertains to an increase of the temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere and oceans in these present days. During the 20th century, the atmospheric temperature of the earth increased 0. 6  ± 0. 2  °Celsius. The upsurge amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are the major causes of the component of warming.They are produced through the burning of agriculture, fossil fuels and land clearing and may precede to an upsurge in the greenhouse effect. There is an initial assumption that a greenhouse effect possibly takes place because of the Swedish chemist Svante Arrhenius during 1897. In addition, climate sen sitivity denotes to the equilibrium response to upsurge greenhouse gases and different anthropogenic and â€Å"natural climate forcing†. This will be revealed through observational and model researches.The said sensitivity is generally showed through the temperature response that is anticipated â€Å"from a doubling of CO2 in the atmosphere†. There is a report in 2001 from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that evaluates the climate sensitivity between the scales of 1. 5–4. 5  °C (Williams 159). The intents of this paper are to: (1) understand what global warming really is; (2) know about the historical warming of the earth; (3) figure out the causes of the global warming and; (4) find out the expected effects of global warming.Global warming is defined as â€Å"the increase of average world temperatures as a result of what is known as the greenhouse effect†. This would mean that it is an intense upsurge of world temperature which is the outcome of so- called greenhouse effect. There are many factors why the world is experiencing global warming. And one of these factors is the human activities like cutting down of trees that are supposedly be the one absorbing the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.There are gases in the atmosphere that portray as glass in the greenhouse which permits sunlight to warm the surface of the earth but trap the heat when it â€Å"radiates back into space†. When the greenhouse gases formed in the atmosphere, the earth starts to get warmth. Nowadays, most countries experienced global warming. It is one the outcomes of people’s irresponsibility because humankind tends to destroy the forest by cutting the old trees and never replaces them. The graph below shows the global temperatures from 1860 to 2000. Moreover, the earth’s surface is warmed by the Sun and radiates heat back into space.Gases such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, methane and CFCs in the atmosphere tr ap some of this heat, and warm the lower atmosphere. The atmosphere radiates heat back to Earth. This is called the â€Å"greenhouse effect†, and without it the Earth would be so cold that life could not exist. But many scientist fear that the huge amounts of these â€Å"greenhouse gases† released into the atmosphere by industrial processes and burning fossil fuels are warming the earth so much that they will eventually upset the world’s climate, and cause sea levels to rise.In addition, some scientists predict that the earth’s temperature could rise 3  °C by 2070. After this, the rise will level off and the temperature will stabilize. If the Antarctic ice sheet melted, sea levels could rise; threatening low-lying areas such as the US coast (Johnston 457). During 1860-1900, global temperatures on seas and on lands had experienced great upsurge of temperature by 0. 75  °C as recorded in the instrument temperature record. Beginning in 1979, the land tem peratures had doubled which was the same as the ocean temperatures.And in that year, the temperatures below the troposphere had upsurge between 0. 12 and 0. 22  °C every 10 years as recoded in the satellite temperature measurements. It was believed before that world temperature was stable two thousand years in the past 1850 with the assumption that temperature was stable maybe because of the regional wavering like the Little Ice Age or Medieval Warm Period (â€Å"Global Warming†. New Standard Encyclopedia) There many causes why global warming is happening at present.These causes are generally or mostly based on man’s conduct. The causes why there is global warming because of the release of carbon dioxide from power plants, emitted cars, trucks, airplanes, buildings, methane, nitrous oxide, deforestation, city gridlock and carbon in atmosphere and ocean . Greenhouse gases are the gases that adds to the warmness to the Earth’s atmosphere like the Carbon Dioxide, ozone layer and the water vapor. The great effects of global warming to our environment and for humankind are plentiful and wide-ranging.The major effect of global warming is the upsurge global average temperature. It also leads to â€Å"rising sea levels, altered patterns of agriculture, increased extreme weather events, and the expansion of the range of tropical diseases†. The anticipated climate changes are also one of the effects of global warming. Not only that, it also affects the weather condition (Williams 159). Global warming has great effects to our environment especially to humankind. Global warming has many factors why it is occurring. One of these reasons is deforestation.Deforestation makes our environment warmth because of the remaining small amount of trees that are unable to absorb the large amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and because of this; carbon dioxide traps the heat in the environment that causes the temperature to rise because it stops war m air to escape. Global warming is a gradual phenomenon that greatly affects the earth and the people living in it. It slowly destroys the earth and some people do not even care about it. In due time, all of human beings will reap the outcome of their doings and what the greenhouse effect has done to the Earth.This research is important for it serves as an eye opener for us to be aware of what is happening in our environment now, so that we could take actions for it. We should have precautionary measures so as to protect ourselves. If global warming will continue to worsen and be exacerbated it will really cause great damage to the people and to the society. The government should then impose a serious and big punishment for those who illegally cut trees to protect any illegal logging that great contributes to the global warming.References: â€Å"Causes of Global Warming†. http://www. ecobridge. org/content/g_cse. htm â€Å"Global Warming†. New Standard Encyclopedia. Vo l. 7 â€Å"Global Warming†. Grolier Encyclopedia of Knowledge. Vol. 8 â€Å"Temperature record of the past 1000 years†. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. December 30, 2007. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Temperature_record_of_the_past_1000_years Williams, Brian. â€Å"Planet Earth†. Visual Factfinder, page 159. Johnston, R. J. Environmental Problems: Nature, Economy and State. London: Belhaven, 2000.

Friday, August 16, 2019


COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is treatable and can be prevented. It can greatly impact a patient’s lifestyle. The disease varies person to person and usually progresses. The two major components of COPD are inflammation and airflow limitation. Treatment and prevention of COPD is aimed at treating these. There are four stages of COPD; Mild, Moderate, Severe and Very Severe. Signs and symptoms for all types of severity are; possible cough, sputum and dyspnea, shortness of breath, wheezing, chest tightness and chronic cough. Diagnosing COPD and staging is predicted by the pulmonary function test results, and also again by possible symptoms. Treatment recommendations differ between the different stages of the disease. Treatment for COPD includes a new medication called roflumilast (Daliresp) which selectively inhibits Phosphodiesterase 4 a major AMP metabolizing enzyme in a lung tissue. The therapy goal with that rate of exacerbations improve ABG's pulmonary function tests and decrease the need for rescue medications. Also there is short and long acting inhaled beta antagonists. They are comprised of a cortiosteroid, bronchodilators and they reduce inflammation. Antibiotics can also be prescribed to reduce any increased sputum volume and dyspnea. Oxygen therapy also helps with COPD by improving breathlessness during exercise and daily living. Application to Nursing: COPD COPD has a dramatic impact on a patient’s lifestyle, it is preventable and treatable. Therapy treatments vary with the four stages of severity. Avoiding the risk factors for COPD and getting an influenza vaccine can help for all four of the stages. A short acting bronco-dilator can be used PRN for mild-moderate stages. Regular treatment with one or more long acting bronco-dilators can be used for moderate-very COPD. Rehab therapy is used for moderate COPD. Inhaled glucocorticosteroids are used for severe-very severe COPD. When the patient has very severe COPD they will be on long term oxygen, and also can or will be considered for surgical treatment. Patients with COPD will need support and possible motivation to participate in daily activities due to worry some behavior and or depression, fatigue and increased dyspnea Exercise and smoking cessation is the best intervention for people who have been diagnosed with COPD. This will possibly lessen the troubles that can arise from this disease.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Action plan for PV Technologies †when they asleep at the switch Essay

Problems / Issues faced by the PV Technologies: As per the information from Sales Manager Mr.Salvatori, PVT might lose the contract against SOMA energy and BJ Solar from the bidding, which is one of the high visibility project conducted by Solenergy Development LLC who won to construct a PV solar energy Power Plant. Mr. Greg Morgan – Chief Engineer conducted the evaluation of the bidders and the assumed outcome is that PVT will be out of the running potential supplier because of the price compared to other bidder though the quality of the product is incomparable. If PVT loses this contract then its reputation and position in the Market Place are at stake as the announcement might through a press conference. Action Plan for PVT: 1. Competitor analysis – We should never underestimate the competitor and should analyse competitor before we bid or approach for any kind of order. They should know what are their offerings, price structure, services offered, value offered and geographic location. 2. Increase Marketing Efforts: The major disadvantage of PVTs lacking in reaching or communicating their product line and service to the clients/customer. They should start PR activities to improve their reach and increase their client relationship as well as customer base. In today’s market they should not rely on only the quality, Sales people contacts and services offered to the customer, rather advertisement / PR activities should drive the customer to approach PVT . There should be a proper line of communication credible source of information and proper way of communication (Internal and external) is needed. 3. Line of Communication: They should also not rely on the information by the sales people which made them react even when the source of information was unethical. Losing a customer like Solar Energy will put their reputation in trouble in the industry. Plan of action to win the  current bidding Since the management is concerned about the decision taken by Solenergy, they should have a casual talk with Morgan and know the exact situation of the bidding. Recommendation for PVT would be to offer its new product, accelerate the introduction of their new 1.25MW model which is 98.5% efficiency. Introducing this new product, might be appealing for Solenergy in all means like efficiency, reliability, service and most importantly price of the inverter which is much lesser than the competitor. Choosing other options like extending warranty to 20 years or offering 99% uptime guarantee at no cost will lead to a lot of disadvantages to PVT to sustain in the market and for future orders as well. Disadvantage by offering Option1: †¢   Solenergy will have to pay a high price upfront. †¢   Though the quality of the PVT inverter is reliable still PVT will have to increase manpower for the purpose of maintenance. †¢   This option will lead to additional expenses and more complications in the future.   Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ã‚   Offering this option dilute the market (by increasing the service offered will increase the expectation from customer for every order) and will affect future orders too. Disadvantage by offering Option 2: †¢Ã‚  Unexpected cost from the failure of the product ( due to Climate condition / economic factor / Power source ) can put PVT into huge loss. †¢Ã‚  Increasing manpower only for the purpose of maintenance. †¢ Margin in this offering is also very low for PVT. Orders should not be taken for the sake of reputation. †¢ Market will get diluted Overall the competitors can also offer these options (Option 1 and Option 2 – Annexure 1 and 2), as they want to enter the market. Since it will reach a broader segment of people, it will be a value addition for the competitor to offer the same (alternatives), enter the market and acquire a new client. The competitor’s revenue can also increase for the year. By offering a new product (Option 3) they can regain top standard and reputation, and possibly close the deal with them. However, they need to think of a way in which the acceleration of this product will not hurt them financially and can still be delivered to Solenergy on time and possibly reduce the manufacturing cost. Solenergy too can claim that they were the first ones to employ the latest technology and the most robust management system. The advantage by offering Option 3 will be that competitor cannot offer a new highly efficient product in such a short span of time. Since PVT is known for its Research and development and product innovation, this would be the ideal option for winning this bid. Drivers for Renewable energy: Key factors for the competitor to offer a best possible solution. Market for alternative source of energy is in a growing stage. Rising energy  cost, unstable oil market, environmental awareness, tax incentives are the main drivers towards the growth of renewable energy. Market value for 2010 was $6 billion more than 100% growth from the previous year and the market for solar PV forecasted to increase by 30.4% CAGR for the period of 2010-15. It’s a vision of a federal government to depend on the renewable energy to produce 80% of the electricity by the year 2035. Around the world, 85% of electricity is being derived from oil, gas and coal and less than 1% are from solar energy, so there is great potential in the market for growth. PVT is a pioneer in renewable energy supply to more than 25 countries with their quality and effective product. The below calculation are done as per the calculation in the PVT option like the following :   Total cost of Sale : 60% of the total Project Value Warranty Expenses & Premium : 18% of the Total Value Maintenance Contract Income : 8.9% of the Total Value Gross Expenses – Guarantee : 38.7% of the Total value Maintenance Contract Expenses : 8% of the Total value Sales Commission : .4% of the Total Value Annexure :1 Considering if SOMA uses the alternative Current Alternative1 Total Project value Warranty Premium Maintenance Contract Income Total Revenue Total cost of Sales Warranty Expenses Gross Expenses – Gurantee Maintenance Contract Expenses Sales Commission Project cost of sales Project Gross Profit 17000000 10200000 68000 10268000 6732000 17000000 3060000 20060000 10200000 3060000 68000 13328000 6732000 Alternative2 17000000 1513000 18513000 10200000 6592385 1369444 68000 18229829 283171 Annexure 2: Considering if the BJ Solar uses the alternative Current Alternative1 Total Project value Warranty Premium Maintenance Contract Income Total Revenue Total cost of Sales Warranty Expenses Gross Expenses – Gurantee Maintenance Contract Expenses Sales Commission Project cost of sales Project Gross Profit 16000000 9600000 64000 9664000 6336000 16000000 2880000 18880000 9600000 2880000 64000 12544000 6336000 Alternative2 16000000 1424000 17424000 9600000 6204597 1288889 64000 17157486 266514